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Since ARC Wessex began in October 2019 it has focussed on the tackling the health and care challenges of our communities and beyond.

In addition to our four research themes, ARC Wessex has developed a Mental Health Hub and secured funding to look at the challenges and needs of our social care systems. We also lead on the National efforts to increase the number of researchers working on dementia (DEM-COM) and the Healthy Ageing, Dementia and Frailty National Priority Programme with collaborated with the ARC network across England.

Here we show examples of the impact of our completed research and the benefits to patients and the wider communities in Wessex.

Improving physical activity and lives in care homes

The ImPACT study looked to create and test the feasibility of using trained exercise volunteers in care home settings to increase the amount of physical activity for older people living there.

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Are we making the right decisions on nursing numbers?

In England a general yardstick is used to work out the number of nursing staff needed to look after patients on a ward in hospital. Recent research has now updated NHS guidance with its findings

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Clever help matches care and skills for district nurses

The complexity of managing a busy team of district nurses has been made simpler by using computer and mathematical modelling to schedule visits - and the system could go further.

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Researchers test new ways to help tackle childhood obesity

In England, over a fifth of children aged 4–5 years were classed as overweight or obese in 2021/22. A team of ARC Wessex researchers has been testing a way to help families improve kids diets.


Building research capacity in Wessex

50 +

10 +

£600K Invested

We have trained more than 50 health and care professionals to make their first steps into research

... more than 10 PhD students are making their next move in research

..and growing numbers of Post Doctorate researchers getting to grips with the issues that effect us all
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