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ARC Wessex podcasts

If you want to know more about the research we do and some of the issues and ethical considerations around health an care we have a series of podcasts which often explore issues is greater depth.

Often you will be able to hear from different voices in the community who can provide a fresh perspective on conditions or experiences of health and care in different settings.

Sam Belfrage a PhD Student with ARC Wessex has produced a series of SIX podcasts with patient experts and people with life experience of health conditions.

The Power of Empowerment series looks at many aspects of health and care

Episode 1 Long term conditions
Episode 2 Research and co-production
Episode 3 Pregnancy, birth & beyond
Episode 4 Moving from child to adult services
Episode 5 Chronic Pain: Patient & Practitioner
Episode 6 Reflections on empowerment
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