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Ageing & Dementia

Theme leads

Steve Lim_400x400.jpeg

Stephen Lim

Theme lead

Profile photo

Dr Kinda Ibrahim 

Deputy theme lead

Ageing and Dementia theme webinar

Next theme meeting:

Research projects

ADOPTED: An observational longitudinal cohort study to investigate Cortical Disarray Measurement in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s disease (CONGA)

ADOPTED: (SIFT) Sensors in Fatigue Tracking in Parkinson’s. Exploring the relationship between perception of Fatigue and the performance of physical activities in people with Parkinson's with fatigue using wearable sensors

ADOPTED: Development, evaluation and provision of an intervention for primary and community NHS staff to help carers and homecare workers supporting people living at home with dementia with their continence.

ADOPTED: FLOWS Planning for Frailty: Optimal Health and Social Care Workforce Organisation Using
Demand-led Simulation Modelling

PIVOT: Promoting Increased physical actiVity in hospitalised Older adults with
Trained volunteers

ADOPTED: SPLENDID Social Prescribing for people to Live ENjoyably with Dementia/memory
problems In Daily life

ADOPTED: Community Alternatives to aCute Hospitalisation for Older People who have Fallen (CAtCH-Falls)

ADOPTED: Wessex Frail2Fit – A feasibility and acceptability study of a virtual multi-modal intervention delivered by volunteers to improve functional outcomes of older adults with COVID-19 discharged from hospital

Developing training for person-centred care: adapting the Chat & Plan for use in domiciliary care

ADOPTED: Geospatial mapping of emergency calls from older adults to ambulance services in the South Central region, with a focus on people living with dementia: a feasibility study.

Understanding psychosocial determinants of alcohol use disorder (AUD) in older adults: exploring the role of social networks and loneliness in living with AUD (OLA study 2).

SOCIAL CARE: Local Authority Adult Social Care Recruitment and Retention research project

ADOPTED: Optimising Outpatients: Effective service transformation through face-to-face, remote and digital care delivery.

Development of a structured deprescribing intervention for people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment in primary care (STOP-DEM)

ADOPTED PROJECT: Development, evaluation and provision of an intervention for primary and community NHS staff to help carers and homecare workers supporting people living at home with dementia with their continence.

ADOPTED: Incidental Interaction: Novel Technology to Support Elders-as-Athletes through Augmenting Everyday Interactions

Wessex NHS Insights Prioritisation Programme Project (NIPP)

ADOPTED: Investigating Quality of Care for People with Dementia Undergoing Cancer Treatment in Ambulatory Care (ImPaCT)

COMPLETED: Creating Learning Environments for Compassionate Care (CLECC) in mental health settings: an implementation study

COMPLETED: Promoting person-centred care using the CHAT&PLAN conversation guide

INVOLVing pEople with cognitive impaiRment in decisions about their hospital nursing care (INVOLVER): a pilot study

Neuro Digital: From Attitudes to Strategies

Neurological long term conditions: Online integrated care platform study (NeuroOnline)

GOODNIGHT Covid-19 to care-home-based vulnerable individuals

IDA: Implementing a Digital physical Activity intervention for older adults

COMPLETED: The ImPACt study - Improving physical activity of older people in the community

CLECC Toolkit and background: Creating Learning Environments for Compassionate Care (CLECC)

COMPLETED: StOP UTI project: Strategies in older people's care settings to prevent infection

Understanding the psychosocial needs and trajectories of older adults (>64 years) with alcohol use disorder (AUD) from hospital back into community

The PD Life Study: Exploring the treatment burden and capacity of people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers

DIALOR: DIgitAL cOaching for fRailty (DIALOR)

COMPLETED: Material Citizenship Framework Project

Comforting Hands


Read our publications here.

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